Cockroaches/Blattodea Cockroaches are insects of the order Blattodea, are considered one of the most successful groups of animals and they are among the most common of insects. They are the most successful ancient insect on the planet. Fossil evidence indicates that cockroaches have been on earth approximately 320 million years. Cockroaches are “living fossils”. This means that their basic shape and appearance has not changed for millions of years. Fossil remains of cockroaches have been dated before the appearance of the Dinosaurs and appear virtually identical to cockroaches we find today. Cockroaches will eat anything and can survive absolutely anywhere other than the Polar Regions and above 2,000 meters in elevation. Some can live without water, can fly, are the fastest insect and can survive high levels of radiation. About 4,600 species of cockroaches exist worldwide, 69 species found in the United States. In the New York State, only four species are common pests in structures. These are the German, Brown-banded, Oriental, and American cockroaches.


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