Flies can regularly be found in homes and businesses across the USA. Some species are more common than others and are attracted to different environments suited to their natural habits and lifecycle. Flies are a common invader in homes and commercial accounts. But they are more than a nuisance. Flies land and feed on filth one moment and food and food preparation areas the next. This behavior lends itself to serious contamination of areas and flies are known to carry over 100 different kinds of disease-causing germs such as typhoid, cholera, Salmonella, bacillary dysentery, tuberculosis, anthrax, ophthalmia, and parasitic worms. Knowing about the size, habits, seasonality and lifecycle of different fly species, can help to identify the most effective prevention and fly control methods .Flies and other pests can contaminate food and food preparation areas and can even spread diseases to your customers and staff.



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